Hi, I’m Jay!

Welcome to my home page! This is where I put my stuff.

Currently this site is an experiment in posting here all the things I would otherwise post elsewhere: photos from Instagram and Flickr; statuses from Mastodon; and movies, books, and music from Letterboxd, Goodreads, and Last.fm.

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  1. iOS 18’s Vehicle Motion Cues

  2. The WordPress writing experience

  3. A nostalgia-free case for video rental shops

Status Log

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  1. Oh my god this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaQtVD0V_y4


  2. Web 2.0 was any site that had the word "folksonomy" on it.

  3. I think the recent fetishization of “stoicism” among online men has a lot to do with these ideas being mostly by Western male thinkers who have been rendered in marble.

  4. "Yeah, I think I've heard of The Beatles. They're old, right? Like from the 80s?"

  5. If Harris wants to appeal to young people, she should make sure to be seen drinking Pepsi, not Coke.

  6. It's a cool, gray day here in Cambridge and it's making me very excited about fall.

  7. Sorry, the "#brat" color is not "chartreuse"; it's "pistachio green" (Werner), "strong greenish yellow" (ISCC-NBS), "inch worm" (Pantone), or "cosse green" (Ridgway).

  8. Would love to get an “AI-free” edition of the #ProductHunt email newsletter

  9. More than once I've deliberately moved my car for street cleaning, but parked it on the incorrect side because I just wasn't thinking.

    This is a good example of one of the specific ways I can be really dumb: being smart enough to do the thing but dumb enough to do the exact opposite.

  10. When did Tascam stop making 4-tracks???

  11. Shoegaze is the ideal music to listen to while biking through the city.

  12. I feel like RSS is kept alive only by a few old, dedicated people who work on CMSes. I doubt that for a major media company the presence or absence of RSS features much into their selection of a CMS. Once the people who care enough to put RSS into CMSes retire or otherwise disappear, there will be no longer be any incentive to keep publishing the feeds.

  13. A message for my fellow cishet boys out there:

    It's ok to like cute things.

  14. Don Jr. seems to model all his body language after the villain in a teen live-action Disney Channel movie.

  15. I just rode one of those bike share e-bikes home, and holy shit. I flew. This is how everybody should move around in a city.

  16. A proper Chicago-style hotdog has two full raw onions and gummy worms

  17. I’m just really scared about the future

  18. Holy crap #JessicaPratt was on #Colbert.

    #music #MexicanSummer

  19. "Computers used to not be able to make art. Now they are able to make terrible art. Therefore, they will some day be able to make great art."

  20. > AT&T said the stolen data “does not contain the content of calls or texts,” but does include calling and texting records that an AT&T phone number interacted with during the six-month period between May 1, 2022 and October 31, 2022.

    #att #atandt

  21. Was "Myst" one of the most widespread examples of steampunk?

  22. “Thank you, Mr. President — Julie Smith, XYZ news. You stand before two doors; one is the door to freedom, the other the door to death. Standing in front of each door is a guard…”

  23. In 1986, there were thirty-one #1 songs on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

    In 1996, there were eight.

  24. I have such a weakness for hosted movie shows. #DinnerAndAMovie has returned! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinner_and_a_Movie

  25. Overheard from friend's kids:

    "When does Link poop?"

    "Link poops when he dies."

  26. Non-rhetorical question: How did email newsletter services like #Substack make reading blogs so popular again?

    What would it take for #RSS to see the same success?

  27. I wish I had an app that would pop in with little life suggestions occasionally.

    "It's cool and sunny and you've only taken 100 steps in the last two hours. Why not take a walk?"

    "You have a flight on your calendar early tomorrow morning. Make sure you're packed and your alarm is set, and try to get to bed early."

    "You haven't texted X in over a week; why not give them a call?"

  28. Wait this Ladybird thing isn’t even about non-binary gender-neutral pronouns, it’s just about the idea that people other than men will be building your software: “they” as in “he or she,” not “they” as in “xe.” That is some vintage chauvinism right there.

  29. I have a nearly 5-hour flight soon. Any tips or advice?

  30. Does #Threads have domain blocking for fediverse replies? Are they already blocking, say, Oliphant Tier 0? If not, that could get real ugly real fast.

    If hateful, abusive replies from the worst fediverse servers are what people are seeing after they turn on Threads federation, and if this is their first exposure to the fediverse, this could turn them off to it permanently.

  31. What is "conservative" about allowing presidents to do whatever they want?

  32. I don't like AI slop seeping into every crevice of our online (and, increasingly, offline) lives, but I also don't think blocking LLM crawlers on my personal sites will do anything to quell the deluge or reduce the value of these LLMs to a remotely measurable degree.

    Even if every single person who felt inclined to block LLM crawlers did so, I don't think LLMs would be suddenly starved for data.

    It seems like a silly exercise to me.

  33. BulbHead...you've done it again...

  34. I'm not well-versed in fantasy novels, but I am so curious about the possible subgenre of fantasy that eschews the conventions of Tolkien -- something that isn't vaguely in the middle ages with dragons and wizards and stuff. Who has been able to successfully do this? I guess Dune counts?, but when something is set in the future it's suddenly "sci-fi", not "fantasy."

    Are there any fantasy novels that take place in present day, but aren't still just like Tolkien characters hanging at the mall?

  35. At the Piercing
    Piercing Pagoda

    Just wait there while I get a soda

  36. If Trump wins in 2024 I'm going to go live in the woods

  37. New Democratic vice presidential nominee: Phoebe Waller-Bridge

  38. Democratic presidential nominee Stormy Daniels

  39. Alex Trebek should be on Mount Rushmore, it’s time we add someone

  40. I hope everybody realizes bubbles will still be green with #RCS support in #iOS18? Any weird hangups or insecurities people have about that won’t go away, but it will mean you can send a video to the family chat without it getting crunched to hell.

  41. Not NEARLY enough has been made about the fact that Trump abbreviated the ten commandments as "TTC," this is riotous to me

  42. Some people might be too young to remember just how obsessed the world was with "morphing" technology in the early 90s. Michael Jackson's "Black or White" video was the archetypal example and a years-long craze ensued.

  43. Researching #keyboards is so unnecessarily tedious. What should I get if I just want a well-made barebones hot-swappable tenkeyless wired #keyboard, preferably in white and with no LEDs?

  44. I'm gonna start a Billy Idol cover band called Billy Idol-ish

  45. Which horror movie started the trend of playing an old upbeat folk song during the final credits? #mutantFam #theLastDriveIn

  46. I’ll believe Meta is interested in the Fediverse when they let people follow my Pixelfed account from Instagram.

  47. I’ve seen some of Donald Sutherland’s movies, but I think I mostly know him from trailers.

  48. That viral AI takedown article is fine I guess, I'm just so allergic to that "Maddox-voice" writing style, I can't stand it.

  49. One of the two HDMI inputs in my aging dumb TV just died. I'm dreading the day I may have to buy a smart TV because they don't make dumb ones anymore.

  50. "Literary fiction" means nothing happens chronologically and every few pages there's a section break that forces you to figure out where the perspective has shifted to.

  51. I kind of like that Apple uses the iPad to experiment with new computer interaction paradigms. Does the 50-year-old Xerox PARC desktop need to be the way computers work forever? The iPad is a kind of low-stakes but high-adoption playground to question some of those assumptions.

  52. Oops I'm serving half a megabyte of (self-hosted) fonts on my site. I really need to squash those down.

  53. I think I might have seasonal affective disorder but in the opposite polarity

  54. I'm disappointed in Mastodon that I didn't immediately learn that Francois Hardy died

  55. I should probably finally give in and buy an Anbernic handheld.

  56. Sometimes #Vim just makes me so happy. I did `:windo bd`, not knowing if it would do what I wanted -- and it did!

  57. In #iOS18, is it possible to:

    Disable Personal Cloud Compute

    Disable ChatGPT

    They gave the impression that a fair amount of Apple Intelligence can happen on-device; but can you set it so that it *only* does on-device processing?

  58. I've clicked around on the #Maven website a bit and I can't even really figure out what it's trying to be

  59. Every time I need to convert RGB to hex or something similar, I just turn to the first search result on the web. There *has* to be a nice desktop "color workflow" app, doesn't there? Show me a preview of the color, show me the values for that color in hex/LCH/RGB/etc., let me save colors in palettes, show complementary colors, etc. Where is this app?

  60. Seeing Arabian Larry tomorrow in 70mm. Feel like I should bring a book

  61. I’m not specifically “worried” about the AI in Apple’s upcoming OSes… but I’m more motivated today than I was yesterday to build a tiny Linux machine on a Raspberry Pi.

  62. People who are gobsmacked by Trump's weird shark battery tangent haven't been watching him closely enough. You need to understand that these rallies are 50% "policy," 30% storytime, and 20% stand-up comedy, and have been since they started. Sometimes he reads a poem!

    He's like a traveling huckster à la Harold Hill.

  63. I played a lot more Goonies II than I did Metroid, so to me the genre is more like "Gooniesvania."

  64. Is #Safari Technology Preview crashing aggressively for anybody else? I have all extensions disabled.

  65. I just saw a #Puzzmo commercial on TV??

  66. Pretty god damn stoked about this Lee Underwood record from #DragCity



  67. Obsidian isn't perfect, but it's kind of amazing that it exists at all.

  68. The integrated blocklists in Little Snitch 6 are so cool. I love that I have trackers completely blocked at a system level.

  69. [Andy Rooney voice] Why are there like 20 kinds of Scotch Tape now

  70. Wait, Paste owns Jezebel and AV Club??


  71. You used to be able to say to Siri, "Learn how to pronounce [contact's name]," and it would prompt you to say the name yourself, then present you with several options for pronouncing the name.

    That feature is gone! You are now expected to compose a "phonetic name" in a field in this person's contact card. How are you expected to spell something phonetically?? Siri doesn't have some kind of special alphabet. The name I'm having trouble with is EXTREMELY COMMON, so the phonetic spelling is the same as the actual spelling. I don't understand what we're supposed to do here.

  72. Very funny how people will at the same time accuse Apple of being way behind on AI while also mocking existing implementations of AI as being dangerously bad.

    Apple doesn't have a magic bullet here, because nobody does. Better for Siri to say "I found these results on the web" than say "You should eat one small rock per day." Trust trumps frustration.

  73. I've been working all spring on this garden and some guy sent by my building management just showed up and started mowing it down.

    He didn't know, he was just doing his job, and I was able to stop him before he did too much damage.

    But I am feeling extremely frustrated right now.

  74. My #WWDC wishlist is a single item and has been for years: Game Center.

  75. Setting aside feelings about certain rocket billionaires, I feel like the world can be neatly divided between people who are excited watching rockets go up and people who are deeply uninterested in it.

    Like I think it’s cool that NASA wants to take us back to the moon, but I don’t care about seeing the explosion that propels us there.

  76. New Fennesz coming this year:



  77. We laugh when we see people using microfiche in old movies, but have *you* tried finding an old article on your local paper's website? It's almost certain not to exist digitally.

  78. So many (male) tech podcasters are unlistenable because they’re obstinate, painfully unfunny, and most of their “jokes” are mocking their cohosts for their opinions or tiny factual slip-ups. Bros gonna bro.

  79. As streaming prices increase, consider buying music again.

    Even if you continue streaming, it’s a nice escape hatch to know you own a library if you ever feel like canceling.

  80. Sometimes I want to reply to the topmost post in my Mastodon timeline, but I stop myself because it was posted literally 20 seconds ago and I don't want the person to think I'm a psychopath.

  81. I think there's a good chance Apple won't use the term "AI" to refer to any of the "AI" features in iOS 18, if they use the term at all at #WWDC.

    I also think they will add these features with an extremely light touch. I think they really, really, really don't want Siri telling people to eat glue or rocks, and that they won't be using ChatGPT to turn Siri into a "general knowledge" engine.

  82. As much as possible, #CSS should describe the content, not boss it around.

  83. Here's something I'd love from AI: If, while watching an episode of TV, I could ask Siri, "What are they talking about?", and Siri could summarize whatever plot point it was that I forgot.

    Or if a character mentions another character I don't remember: "Who's 'Kim,' again?"

  84. You know when you're doing a somewhat comprehensive computing task on your phone that requires data manipulation and multiple apps and windows, and you switch to doing it on a computer with a large screen and it feels so much easier?

    I wonder if that's what it feels like to switch from a computer to a #VisionPro. Like "Oh finally I can get some work done."

  85. I think Guillermo del Toro should do a #Dune movie.

  86. Discord is so ubiquitous that it’s literally the UI for a popular AI image generation tool. I find that really discouraging.

  87. Eric Trump said of his father, "He's the toughest man I've ever seen; he endures this nonsense every single day."

    By no definition of the word does he "endure" it! He screams and whines and intimidates witnesses and jurors. Having a tantrum is literally the opposite of enduring something!

    If this is "enduring" it, what would it look like not to endure it?

  88. Wish I could create a Mastodon filter for posts that are just some variant of “AI sure is bad, isn’t it folks?”

    (Yes I agree it is bad in many ways, but this is just a tedious thing to say without adding anything.)

  89. What I would really really love is a Safari iOS shortcut for "reload this page with no JavaScript."

    I know there are extensions that block JS on a per-site basis, but even that is too heavy, as you'd have to turn it off and on again if you wanted it back.

    Just a "one-shot" "try this without JavaScript" button would be so great.

  90. Imagine if any other genre of music had the audacity to put the word "intelligent" in front of it.

    "Yeah I'm not really into disco, but I am *way* into *intelligent disco*."

  91. Apple should separate their Apple TV editorial team -- who decides what gets featured in the app -- from their Apple TV+ production and marketing teams.

    Putting Apple TV+ content in the first dozen (literally) spots on the Apple TV hero is spam.

  92. I love my #Playdate so much. Without using it for some time you can't really picture all the little touches -- musical cues, iconography, "micro-interactions," animations, emotiveness, etc -- that just make it such a joy to play with.

    And I love the support they give to developers, the sideloading, the non-exclusivity of Catalog, the enthusiasm in the community. It's just amazing that it all came together.

  93. If you "install" #Discord as a desktop app on macOS using "Add to Dock" from Safari, you can open multiple windows at once. So frustrating that you can't do this with the macOS or iPasOS app.

  94. As a piece of tech, the #DaylightComputer looks amazing. If it were a few hundred dollars cheaper I’d have a hard time not getting it.

    h/t @shaythompson@mastodon.social


  95. I'm generally a reboot/"distant sequel" pessimist, but the sheer number of original people on board for "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" -- Tim Burton *and* Michael Keaton *and* Winona Ryder *and* Catherine O'Hara *and even* Danny Elfman -- is pretty impressive.

  96. Whitley Strieber has a podcast??!? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dreamland/id1476330968

  97. Man I’m just hankering to get a Raspberry Pi 400 and put Xubuntu on it these days, I don’t know why.

  98. Been sick all week, tonight it's time for some Netflix and 'Quil

  99. #iTerm has always had way more features than I've ever needed. Now that they're starting to add (optional) AI features, I've switched to #Alacritty and am pretty happy with it.

  100. The #Playdate makes more sense if you think of it as "toy" rather than a "gaming console." I think this helps to explain its appeal. Toys are good, and we don't have enough of them as adults.

  101. Honestly I think if Scarlett Johansson had *not* been the voice in “Her,” nobody would be saying the Sky OpenAI voice sounded like her.

  102. As much shit as Garfield gives Jon, the only possible reason Garfield -- a cat with no job or responsibilities -- would hate Mondays is because it means he doesn't get to see Jon as much. Which is sweet.

  103. We need an #RSS reader with "Reply" and "Repost" buttons. These actions would occur on a blog you connect with #Micropub or #XMLRPC, and use #WebMentions to notify the originating site.

  104. I needed to move a Watch Later playlist from one YouTube account to another, and the "Multiselect for YouTube" Firefox Add-on made this easier than I thought possible. I would definitely bookmark this for a rainy day.


  105. Are people still making #Winamp themes? I bet the state of digital art has gotten so much better in the last 30 years that people could make some really beautiful ones.

  106. So the Journal app just doesn't exist at all on iPad?

  107. The last Twitter bird logo before it became X was really one of my favorite logos ever. Such a shame that it had to be abandoned, although I guess it's good that it doesn't share an association with what X has become.

  108. Mastodon has had multi-column view forever, of course, but for anyone who’s also interested in #Bluesky, there is an active multi-column frontend project at https://deck.blue

  109. I just got a notification from #Discord that said "Joe and Mary are discussing '[subject name]'". Is this some AI thing? Rather than alert me to individual new messages (since I wasn't mentioned), it was just alerting me to a current ongoing topic of conversation?

  110. WAIT

    Can I use an emulator to play Virtual Boy games on my iPhone with a "Google Cardboard" device???

  111. Kindle Unlimited is the Tubi of books

  112. You know your music collection is unwieldy when you start accidentally buying things you already own.


  114. Ok this colored-circle-emoji “solution map” for #Strands is a cute attempt at doing what Wordle does but is pretty meaningless.

  115. They don't make them anymore but I would kind of love a #Kobo mini.

  116. Wow it took me way too long to realize you can make words of any length in #Quartiles.

  117. This is how sadly little attention is paid to #GameCenter: #AppleNews+ not only adds a new puzzle in #iOS 17.5, but now integrates with Game Center for leaderboards on solving times, and I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere.

  118. This has been in my rotation for a year or more, wanted to recommend it in case I’ve never done that here:



  119. The title of the show is styled as "Diff'rent Strokes." Were they worried people would pronounce "diff-er-ent" with three syllables?

  120. I just couldn't ever really get into blur. If I want droll sneering Brits I’d rather listen to Television Personalities.

  121. When it's jacket weather and the book you're reading fits in your jacket pocket ❤️

  122. I also initially cringed at that Apple "Crush!" ad, but I take the message not to be "Society doesn't need these anymore," but "Look how much we fit in here! (And, unrelatedly, crushing stuff looks cool.)"

    Still, probably an unwise visual.

  123. The fifth minute of "Funeral For a Friend" could go on forever and it wouldn't be long enough.

  124. I saw a box at Whole Foods that said “USB Salt Lamp.”

    Imagine being told in 1994 that everybody in 2024 can immediately picture this.

  125. "The thinnest Apple product ever"? Are they forgetting about the Polishing Cloth? #AppleEvent

  126. When is the last time the word "iPod" was uttered at an #AppleEvent? "One more thing"???

  127. Still no FaceID on the iPad Air #AppleEvent

  128. I can barely understand how to use Drafts these days. I wish there were more labels everywhere and I could disable half the features.

  129. "See? People use the Vision Pro, I swear!" #AppleEvent

  130. If the new Pencil is compatible with my iPad, I'm buying it.

  131. Here’s a new half-baked hypothesis: the reason people watch so much cable news is that it’s one of the few things on TV that’s broadcast live.

  132. It's funny when automated phone services are like, "Representatives are busy serving other customers. Would you like to try our automated menu?"

    Friend, I would sooner listen to Opus No. 1 for sixteen hours than use an automated menu.

  133. I think often when people complain about what gets printed in newspapers it’s because they don’t understand what newspapers are for.

  134. One thing that's great about the radio is that you can have multi-room audio with zero latency.

  135. #A24 has become a lifestyle brand. You use their marble-colored 180g vinyl and in-joke corduroy hats or whatever to telegraph that you are that type of person.

  136. I don't think I use any of the social, automation, or integration features of #Pinboard anymore, and the site and app ecosystem has languished for so long. Is it time to switch to #GoodLinks?

  137. I just heard the term "rightsizing" for the first time and I am white-hot with rage

  138. I'm an earnest Bluey fan via my nephews and just subscribed to Disney+ to check out this new episode everyone is talking about

  139. As far as I can tell, the best Kindle you can buy today is still using EInk technology that is over ten years old. I don't care about color, but when can we expect some more improvements to contrast?

  140. It sounds like the Humane AI Pin is worse than Siri, which is no small feat.

  141. The impulse to actually turn the premise of “Civil War” into a movie seems so juvenile to me. It's like an idea you'd have stoned in a college dorm room. "It's gonna make people think, man!!"

    The title is terrible and lazy, too.

  142. Anybody have any ideas on how to import Mastodon posts into #WordPress?

    (To be clear I'm not talking about enabling ActivityPub on WordPress.)

  143. I've never related to Trump as much as I do about his falling asleep in court. I remember sitting quietly in lecture halls in college, and no matter how interesting the subject, nothing could put me to sleep faster than that. I would have been out in seven minutes.

  144. I’d love to try playing the SegaCD Bram Stoker’s Dracula game again

  145. It could be cool if there were a "CSS Zen Garden" that worked strictly with custom props.

  146. Q: Why do people watch golf on TV?

    A: Because listening on the radio would *really* be boring

  147. “le morte d’arthur,” but “arthur” has a tilted “a” in the style of the “Arthur (1981)” movie poster “logo,” with the little top-hatted Arthur silhouette leaning against it.

    I made this and I have no idea what to do with it

  148. I would love a weekly half-hour movie critic TV show like Siskel & Ebert again, does anything like this exist on YouTube or podcasts?

  149. I want a “couch to 5k” but for hot sauce.

  150. The issue isn’t that people get their news from social media, it’s that people get their news from MEMES on social media.

  151. When I see posts about Gemini, the Google LLM, I initially think they’re about Gemini, the protocol. Fans of the protocol must be bummed out by this naming.

  152. What's so weird about Musk's obsession with turning "X" into "the WeChat of the West" is that it's such a boring idea.

    However involved he may or may not be in the development of rockets and brain motor implants and electric cars, and however truly "self-driving" those cars may be -- those are exciting things!

    But being passionate about building an app that lets you, like...post videos and buy stuff and send money or whatever? Who is excited by this?

  153. Does #DuckDuckGo’s pro plan remove ads from search results? If so I might switch from Kagi.

    The DDG ads are a big part of the reason I use Kagi (even if DDG ads don’t track me).

  154. If the glove's the wrong size, you must metastasize

  155. It's crazy to think about the ripple effects the OJ trial had -- Norm Macdonald's career, "the dancing Itos," the Kardashians, Seinfeld.

  156. I finally left Bank of America and moved my checking to a local mutual bank, feels good.

  157. Wait, *Steve Coogan* is in the new Joker? I guess I am going to see it after all

  158. Who else remembers the breathless hype that ensued after that Clap Your Hands record came out in 2005

  159. An eclipse seems like a great time to commit some break-ins

  160. Can’t wait till this #eclipse is over so I can look at the sun again

  161. Reminded again why #Vim/ #Neovim plugins/emulation will never work for me -- I tried the Neovim plugin for VSCode, one of the first things I did was `:vsp`, and nothing happened.

  162. Buy a few gross of eclipse glasses for pennies tomorrow, then sell them at a markup in 2044 #HustleLife

  163. I'd love a Tweetdeck-like frontend for Mastodon that lets you save a "set" of columns you've set up for easy retrieval/switching.

    Say I'm really into the NFL and every week I want columns for my home team's tags and some sports writers, but not on non-game days.

  164. Is there a simple ActivityPub bot you can set up that boosts a specified list of accounts?

    This would be like “following” a list on the bad site.

  165. A total solar #eclipse is nature's version of the bouncing DVD logo precisely hitting the corner of the screen

  166. Meteorologists are always getting it wrong, I bet we don’t even get an eclipse today

  167. Screenshot of the page for the Apple TV+ original movie “Napoleon” in the Apple TV app, with a hand-annotated question mark where a Rotten Tomatoes score would go, but is absent.

    Does the Apple TV app just *not* put Rotten Tomato ratings on Apple TV+ movies?

  168. It would be like learning that people in Idaho get a bill for tens of thousands of dollars after the fire department extinguishes their house.

  169. I remember a Brit on a forum telling me about the first time he learned as a kid that Americans had to pay for healthcare and it blowing his mind, I think maybe he was seeing a movie where someone had to steal money to pay for an operation.

    I had never imagined what that experience must be like and how insane it must sound if you’re just hearing about it.

  170. Anybody else notice that trailers have their own trailers now?

    They all start with a rapid super-cut of the trailer and then the words "Trailer starts now."

    I know it starts now! I just hit play!!

  171. The "listen to this entire thing without grimacing” challenge

  172. When this first came out I didn't get beyond the first 30 seconds or so.

    Listening to it now, and knowing it was written by a person, it's extremely embarrassing to hear someone try to write new George Carlin material.

  173. iOS Mastodon search UI. I have entered “@potus@threads.net” in the search field, tapped “Go to user,” and a modal appears that reads:

“No User Account Found. There is no Useraccount [sic] ‘potus’ on threads.net”

    Wow this is worse than I thought. This is what I see on the official #Mastodon iOS app when trying to view a Threads account from an instance that has suspended them.

    It doesn’t just say “not found”; it says the account doesn’t exist (with a typo).

  174. Apple ought to remove App Store ads for Apple One subscribers.

  175. “But everyone said it didn’t matter which instance I joined.”

  176. The messaging on Mastodon needs to be a lot clearer.

    “You cannot view this profile because your Mastodon server, example dot com, has suspended the example dot net domain.”

  177. And people say Mastodon isn’t confusing 🙄

  178. If you search Mastodon for “threads.net” you’ll see a bunch of people wondering why they can’t see President Biden’s account, unaware that they are on an instance that did a full suspend on the threads.net domain.

  179. A tip for fellow old people, if you don’t recognize a celebrity name, they were probably in Euphoria

  180. It feels like older news than it should at this point, but it’s wild that I can follow users of a Facebook-owned social network from a small cooperative Mastodon server through the indie app Ivory.

  181. I watched some “The Mads Are Back” last night and it’s way funnier than RiffTrax in my opinion. I love Trace and Frank so much.

  182. One of the small but brilliant things about the Mac for the last 40 years is the way a menu item blinks after you click it, to reinforce which item received the click. Windows didn’t have this. You probably don’t think about it.

    It’s an affordance like this that demonstrates the care that went into the UI.

    It’s the kind of thing people would be too lazy or thoughtless to do today, and it’s the kind of thing I could see Apple killing because they forgot how important stuff like this is.

  183. Just because I’m a man doesn’t mean I’m into slickly produced pablum!

  184. I haven’t heard anybody mention how weirdly sexist it is that is being folded into “Gentleman’s Quarterly.”

  185. Wow — they fucked up #WJIB. What a disgrace. The new owner should be ashamed of himself.

  186. Been spending some time over the last couple weeks trying to write my first block-based #WordPress theme.

    Not only is the syntax redundant, poorly-documented, and difficult -- it's extremely limited in what you're able to put on the page.

    For instance, I can't put an archive title inside my own `<h1>` with some prefix saying "This is the archive for: “, or something.

    I find myself falling back to regular PHP enough that I'm not sure it’s going to be possible to build the theme I want.

  187. I know this will upset a lot of people, but the truth shouldn't need a content warning:

    Spring might be better than fall.

  188. I have a suggestion that I’m not entirely pleased with but I’m waiting to see if anyone else says it first.

  189. If they made Back to the Future today (heaven forbid), what car model would the time machine be?

  190. I see memes and comics that are like “I can’t stop listening to podcasts!!1”

    What #podcasts are you all listening to, anyway?

  191. So many “hazy IPAs” kind of taste like someone took their regular IPA and added a few pumps of “hazy-flavored” syrup to it.

  192. Does anybody know of any websites or apps that still use #GoogleCardboard/ #WebXR?

    It was such a fun, inexpensive little trend and I wish it had stuck around.

  193. #WordPress should add a “subtitle” field to core.

    Of course you could use a custom field for this, but not every theme will use the same custom field key. This is the same reasoning they used to put Post Formats in core.

  194. Just learned from Drag City that Joanna Newsom's "The Milk-Eyed Mender” has just turned 20. Easily one of the greatest records of the last quarter century.

  195. Wait Saltburn stars that kid from Killing of a Sacred Deer??

  196. Poster for “The Proposal,” the 2009 Ryan Reynolds / Sandra Birdbox romcom, “watch it on Apple TV+ for a limited time”

    Wow — Apple TV+ is getting into licensing legacy content? This is a panned romcom from 15 years ago.

  197. Elon is rattling off ideas for Twitter like it’s Calvinball

  198. Every thought Elon has is an r/showerthought that he thinks is a TED Talk

  199. Elon has the misplaced arrogance of a “gifted” 7th grader who thinks big problems aren’t hard to solve at all, actually, and would have been solved long ago if only people were as bright as him

  200. One simple thing Elon could do to immediately make Twitter better is to turn RSS back on

  201. If the nascent metaverse is analogous to the nascent internet, does Mark Zuckerberg think Meta is AOL or Netscape?

  202. Only one French duo *I’m* interested in seeing reunite:

  203. I’m worried about putting all our eggs in Bandcamp’s basket. I love what it’s done for music, but in ten years a LOT of embedded audio players just won’t work anymore.

  204. an art heist movie where a team pulls off a 51% attack

  205. One of the great comforting things about a Bose Wave CD player is that the words on the glowing display are in Gill Sans

  206. A good trick if you're logging into multiple similar WordPress environments (dev/staging/prod): Change the Admin Color Scheme for each one so you can easily tell which one you're in.

  207. the mac touchbar could be offering to refill my coffee and i wouldn't know it because i never look at the keyboard

  208. Whenever possible, show up with a box of donuts

  209. Where is the Technorati dot com of the #IndieWeb?

  210. We don’t talk enough about this Randy Newman impression that always felt bizarre in the middle of a teen comedy


  211. all movies should be exactly an hour and forty five minutes

  212. If you still subscribe to @DVDNetflix, nothing ever “leaves Netflix”

  213. matrix resurrections is seriously taking advantage of my weakness for "white rabbit"

  214. I knew it was only a matter of time before Twitter changed their timeline design so that "open for a surprise" tweets wouldn't make sense anymore


  215. I want a supercut of every time a small mammal jumped and latched onto somebody’s face in a 1995-2005 comedy, it would be like an hour long

  216. If Trump just called into Tucker Carlson for five minutes every Monday night urging people that getting vaccinated is the patriotic thing to do, COVID in the U.S. would be over.

  217. Ted Lasso follows in the grand tradition of characters invented for commercials carrying their own series, its foundation laid by Ernest P. Worrel

  218. Testing out a quick photo thing here

  219. I love vegan leather, so nice to know there’s no eggs or dairy in there

  220. It’s 2021 and I just bought a TiVo

  221. Soon all these Cooper Light/Souvenir/Recoleta/Clearface/Windsor fonts are going to go WAY out of style, and quickly, don’t get caught flat-footed on this

  222. Why does everybody use any excuse to say “kraken” these days? When did this kraken obsession start

  223. In general I’m a Spatial Audio optimist, but wow does Sgt Pepper sound bad in it

  224. If you search Lycos for “lycos,” you get an error page.

    If you search Lycos for “google,” it says “There were no results for your search query. Maybe you accidentally invented a new word?”

    Searching Lycos for “bing” works fine.

  225. I think this makes two #DrunkGruber @ditheringfm episodes in a row

  226. Everybody knows “web 2.0 badges” were a thing, but now for the life of me I can’t remember where I actually saw them

  227. Is this a podcast or is it just somebody slowly reading an article over a trip hop record


  229. How can @SubstackInc URLs be 459 characters long

  230. The vocal hook from “Immigrant Song” is just the “Get Smart” theme

  231. There’ve been a lot of short-lived sitcoms, I know, but I don’t think I’ve seen a single reference to “Double Rush” since watching it in the mid-90s. It’s like I dreamed it.

  232. I’m a high-res/lossless skeptic; but is it possible that despite failing all ABX tests we somehow *unconsciously* experience high-res music differently?

  233. The worst homework you ever did was the homework between The Simpsons and going to sleep

  234. Sorry, watching Howard The Duck at 3 am is decidedly NOT “wasting your life”

  235. The handlebar-mustache-on-a-stick industry was really hurting in 2008, till some genius created wedding photo booths

  236. I remember when “trigger warnings” were just called “discretion advised” and nobody thought it was the fall of Western civilization

  237. Schiller's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by courage."

  238. Tucker Carlson trading R Stevie Moore cassettes on Discogs

  239. Tucker Carlson mouthing the words to “House Arrest” under a big pair of Beats headphones during commercial breaks

  240. How the hell do you pronounce bongino anyway

  241. I don't get why Donald Trump doesn't just run 11ty on a Linode instance

  242. Boy I wish all these substacks were just blogs

  243. Remembering this morning that I love email so much more than #Slack.

  244. The least credible part of Home Alone is that Kevin continues to dress himself in adorable and festive but no doubt tight and itchy clothing

  245. There is no way Snoopy won that Neighborhood Christmas Lights and Display Contest

  246. Shouldn’t it be “Bene Kalikimaka”

  247. Bad books are the worst of all media. Far, far worse than bad TV.

  248. “Sorry, we don’t have Pfizer; is Moderna ok?”


    Lawsuits: “Observers were 20 feet away instead of 6 feet away for 15 minutes”

    Courts: “lol”

  250. @manton Any idea why I’m getting a “request too large” error when trying to upload an image to my #WordPress blog through #Sunlit?

  251. Whenever anybody’s describing terrain in a book I can’t even remotely picture it

  252. It's wild when people claim to know with certainty what political outcomes would occur in a universe with a dozen or more variables changed; if this person had been nominated, if that person had said more of X and less of Y, if the New York Times or Breitbart or Facebook had or hadn't done Z. Nobody knows anything.

  253. Hoping to cram something into my brain other than this election in the next 24 hours of my downtime

  254. Nowhere in "Humpty Dumpty" does it say he's an egg

  255. For the first time in nearly 10 years of using Vim daily, I'm finally excited about the way I have completion working.

  256. Two things I did not anticipate about wearing a mask are (a) Face ID doesn't work, and (b) you can't do the "slight smile" thing at strangers as you walk past them or get out of each other's way in the supermarket. "Mask face" just looks generally peeved I think.

  257. I know there more important things going on right now, and I hope everybody is staying safe out there -- but the radio commercial Flo is different from the one on TV. Thanks

  258. “Rambo” was short for “Rambunctious”

  259. Apple Music in macOS Catalina will import users' existing music libraries from iTunes in their entirety, Apple says. That includes not just music purchased on iTunes, but rips from CDs, MP3s, and the like added from other sources.

    Ars Technica

    And I assume we'll still be able to add new mp3s to our libraries?

  260. At my funeral, I want somebody to read my favorite poem. My favorite poem is “The Iliad.”

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